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Interop Components

React-Admin components to handle interoperability between SemApps instances.


npm install @semapps/interop-components --save



Replace React-Admin's SimpleForm with a form giving two options: either create a new resource from scratch, or import it from another server.

When importing, you can either fork the remote data or you can keep the local data in sync with the remote one.

import { Create, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
import { CreateOrImportForm } from '@semapps/interop-components';

export const PostCreate = (props) => (
<Create {...props}>
<TextInput source="title" />

Note: if you want to allow users to search for remote data, you should have configured (in the dataServer config of the semantic data provider) other servers which have the same class of resources.

stripPropertiesArrayProperties you don't want to copy locally (fork mode)


Form to import data from a lexicon-type database (currently Wikidata or ESCO)

import { Create } from 'react-admin';
import { LexiconImportForm, fetchWikidata } from "@semapps/interop-components";

const ThemeCreate = (props) => (
<Create {...props}>
fetchLexicon={fetchWikidata()} // or fetchESCO()
selectData={data => ({
'pair:label': data.label,
'pair:comment': data.summary,
'': data.uri,


Dialog to be used with the create props of React-Admin AutocompleteArrayInput

import { AutocompleteArrayInput } from 'react-admin';
import { ReferenceArrayInput } from '@semapps/semantic-data-provider';
import { LexiconCreateDialog, fetchWikidata } from "@semapps/interop-components";

export const ThemesInput = (props) => (
<ReferenceArrayInput reference="Theme" {...props}>
fetchLexicon={fetchWikidata()} // or fetchESCO()
selectData={data => ({
'pair:label': data.label,
'pair:comment': data.summary,
'': data.uri,