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Geo Components


In addition to this component, you need to install leaflet, leaflet-defaulticon-compatibility and leaflet.markercluster

npm install @semapps/geo-components leaflet@^1.8.0 leaflet-defaulticon-compatibility@0.1.1 leaflet.markercluster@^1.5.3

You must also include the following CSS files:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" crossorigin="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

The react-leaflet package used by this package requires React 18 !



This component displays a map with a number of geolocalized ressources. It works just like React-Admin official list components.

import { List } from 'react-admin';
import { MapList } from '@semapps/geo-components';

const MyList = props => (
<List pagination={false} perPage={1000} {...props}>
latitude={record => record.latitude}
longitude={record => record.longitude}
label={record => record.label}
description={record => record.description}

Note: For a map display, you will usually disable the pagination and display all the available data.

If you prefer to use a custom popup, you can use the popupContent prop (and ignore the label and description properties):

import { List, ShowButton } from 'react-admin';
import { MapList } from '@semapps/geo-components';

const MyList = props => (
<List pagination={false} perPage={1000} {...props}>
latitude={record => record.latitude}
longitude={record => record.longitude}
popupContent={({ record, basePath }) => (
<ShowButton basePath={basePath} record={record} />
latitudeFunctionrequiredA function which takes a record and returns a latitude
longitudeFunctionrequiredA function which takes a record and returns a longitude
labelFunctionA function which takes a record and returns a label to be displayed in the popup. This is not used if popupContent is provided.
descriptionFunctionA function which takes a record and returns a description to be displayed in the popup. This is not used if popupContent is provided.
popupContentReact ComponentA React component to customize the content of the popup (see above)
heightNumber700The height in pixel of the map
groupClustersBooleantrueIf true, markers which are close will be grouped in a cluster.
boundToMarkersBooleanfalseIf true, center the map around the markers.
connectMarkersBooleanfalseIf true, trace lines between the markers. The order depends on the list parameters

You can also provide all the options of LeafletJS Map (center, zoom, scrollWheelZoom...).


This component allows you to display the location of a resource in a map. You just need to pass its latitude and longitude.

import { Show, SimpleShowLayout, TextField, DateField, RichTextField } from 'react-admin';
import { MapField } from '@semapps/geo-components';

export const MyShow = (props) => (
<Show {...props}>
<TextField source="title" />
latitude={record => record.latitude}
longitude={record => record.longitude}
latitudeFunctionrequiredA function which takes a record and returns a latitude
longitudeFunctionrequiredA function which takes a record and returns a longitude
addressFunctionrequiredA function which takes a record and returns a text to display above the map
typographyPropsObjectProps passed down to the Typography element used to display the text above the map
heightNumber400The height in pixel of the map

You can also provide all the options of LeafletJS Map (center, zoom, scrollWheelZoom...).


This component allows you to search for a geolocalized address. It uses the MapBox API to provide search results. When an address is selected, the parse function is called, and you can format the results as you wish.

import { Create, SimpleForm } from 'react-admin';
import { LocationInput, extractContext } from '@semapps/geo-components';

export const MyCreate = (props) => (
<Create {...props}>
access_token: 'YOUR_MABPOX_TOKEN',
types: ['place', 'address'],
country: ['fr', 'be', 'ch']
// ... any other MapBox configuration
parse={value => ({
label: value.place_name,
street: value.place_type[0] === 'address' ? [value.address, value.text].join(' ') : undefined,
zip: extractContext(value.context, 'postcode'),
city: value.place_type[0] === 'place' ? value.text : extractContext(value.context, 'place'),
country: extractContext(value.context, 'country')
optionText={resource => resource.label}

The extractContext utility function allows you to more easily select amongst MapBox data.

sourceStringrequiredStandard React-Admin prop to identify the field to be created or modified.
mapboxConfigObjectrequiredParameters to pass to the MapBox forward geocoding API. The access_token property is required.
parseFunctionA function to format a MapBox Feature according to your needs. You can find its properties here.
optionTextString or FunctionrequiredWhat property to display in the input when a resource is loaded. You can also pass a function, which takes the full record as an input and returns the label.

Any other prop will be passed down to the TextField base component.