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This mixin allows you to import posts from Wordpress websites.


const { WordpressImporterMixin } = require('@semapps/importer');

module.exports = {
name: 'my-importer',
mixins: [WordpressImporterMixin],
settings: {
source: {
wordpress: {
baseUrl: null, // Base URL of the Wordpress instance
type: 'posts', // Only posts are supported for now
appPassword: null // If the API is protected with application passwords, enter one here
dest: {
containerUri: null, // Container where the data will be posted (must be created already)
filesContainerUri: null, // Container where the media will be uploaded (see retrieveMedia below)
predicatesToKeep: [] // Don't remove these predicates when updating data
activitypub: {
actorUri: null, // ActivityPub actor who will post activities on synchronization (leave null to disable this)
activities: ['Create', 'Update', 'Delete'] // The activities you want to be posted by the actor
cronJob: {
time: null, // '0 0 4 * * *' for every night at 4am
timeZone: 'Europe/Paris'
methods: {
transform(data) {
return {


For methods available on all importers, see here.


Take the ID of a media, fetch it, upload it to the container defined in the dest.filesContainerUri setting.

Return the URL of the newly-created file.